Teaching Shakespeare's Greatest Plays & Sonnets

Leader: Dr. Joshua Avery, Humane Letters Teacher, Great Hearts Academies

Dr. Joshua Avery teaches Shakespeare with the Classical Education Graduate Program at the University of Dallas as well as Humane Letters at North Phoenix Preparatory Academy (Great Hearts). In this course, he guides teachers through Shakespeare’s sonnets as well as seven of his plays, providing key insights into enjoying and understanding these classics with your students. His own teaching experience in a classical upper school as well as training of teachers at the graduate level provide a wealth of practical insights into pedagogical approaches as well as insights into Shakespeare’s works as a literary scholar.

FREE for Great Hearts employees: use voucher code ghemployee (case sensitive) at checkout.

This course is made available to the Academy for Classical Teachers through a generous partnership with Classical U, an online teacher-training platform that provides a clear path toward mastery for classical educators seeking to understand the classical tradition of education and teach with excellence.

Price: $125.00