Academy for Classical Teachers
The Academy for Classical Teachers (ACT) provides online enrichment for classical teachers who seek to teach in their classrooms according to the principles of a traditional Liberal Arts Education. ACT is a collaborative initiative of Great Hearts Academies and our partner institutions in both higher education and classical K-12. Courses are designed to help teachers dive deeply into content, with an eye toward both theory and practice. Faculty are drawn from our friends in higher education, expert teachers, and scholars who have chosen to teach within the public K-12 arena because of the unique opportunities it affords.
All ACT courses fit into one of two categories: fully asynchronous courses that are available year-round through our partnership with ClassicalU, and live, virtual courses that meet via Zoom and are typically held during the summer. Courses are designed to help teachers dive deeply into content, with an eye toward both theory and practice. Faculty are drawn from our friends in higher education, expert teachers, and scholars who have chosen to teach within the public K-12 arena because of the unique opportunities it affords.
We invite you to explore our offerings and hope you find a course that meets your needs, whether you are looking for enrichment on pedagogical practices, specific content deep dives, or leisurely learning that serves to fuel to soul.
For further questions, please contact us at
All Courses are FREE for Great Hearts employees: use voucher code ghemployee (case sensitive) at checkout.
Featured Courses

A Close Study of Jane Austen’s Emma and Persuasion
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An Introduction to Alexis de Tocqueville: Selections from Works and Letters
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Aristotle’s Politics
In the Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle emphasizes that cultivating virtue is a matter of forming the proper habits. But the best way to form virtuous habits is not through individual, isolated efforts to make good decisions. Rather, it is by dwelling in good communities and abiding by the laws they set down. Aristotle concludes, therefore, that "someone who wishes to make people better...should try to acquire legislative science...."
In Book X, then, he proposes to "study the collected political systems" in order to "grasp better what best; how each...should be organized so as to be best; and what laws and habits it should employ." But just as he proposes those things, he ends the book! The closing words are "let us discuss this, then, having made a start."
The Politics is where this promised discussion takes place, and our goal in this course will be to take up Aristotle's charge - to study the collected political systems and better grasp what sort is best. We will be reading the text in its entirety, and we will be attempting 1) to understand his classification of regimes, 2) to see how he thinks they are best organized, and 3) to clarify the laws and habits he thinks they should employ.
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Essentials of Drawing
In this self-paced course, Brighton Demerest-Smith (a classically trained artist and veteran educator with Great Hearts Academies) moves from how to teach the elements of drawing up through still life and master study. Grounded in fundamentals and close observation of subjects, his methods of teaching drawing are traditional and time-tested.
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Goethe as a Poet and Scientist
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Introduction to the Beauty of Latin
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Math for Every Teacher
In this self-paced course, veteran mathematics teacher and leader Jake Tawney provides a clear and engaging introduction to the beauty of Mathematics. This course does not propose a specific curriculum. It does, however, present a list of “those things from mathematics you should have learned but probably didn’t.”
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Teaching Shakespeare's Greatest Plays & Sonnets
In this self-paced course, Dr. Joshua Avery guides teachers through Shakespeare’s sonnets as well as seven of his plays, providing key insights into enjoying and understanding these classics with your students.
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The Neverending Story as an Educational Journey
The novel is a story about the personal moral development of the protagonist, and it is executed with literary and imaginative mastery. In this course, we will read this book carefully, observing how Bastien's journey to self-possession is a powerful allegory for the educational journey classical education offers. We will discuss the details and themes of the book, but our focus will not be on how to teach the book for any particular level; rather, we will explore together, as educators, how Bastien’s journey can clarify our understanding of the journey our students are on and equip us with a new realm of ideas in guiding them on that journey.
This course is both an encounter and discussion of a great novel and a seminar for discussing our vocation as classical pedagogues, refreshing our hearts with the wonder and danger Bastien encounters along the way. The course is thus suitable for teachers of all levels.
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The Teacher's Playbook
In this self-paced course Jerilyn Olson connects classical principles to practical techniques that teachers can employ in the classroom.
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