Leadership & Liberal Education


May 28, 2025 - June 27, 2025

In this course, we will consider a set of challenges that are unique within – or at least more focal to – a classical or liberal arts educational setting, given the distinct goals of such settings. In doing so, a first step will be to consider the goals of a liberal arts education. In taking this course, it is unlikely that you will emerge having mastered these challenges, as they are challenges that reflect the magnitude of liberal education itself. For instance, a teacher might wish to produce a lifelong learner, might even know what actions are conducive to doing so, and still have a long way to travel before having the capacity of cultivating a lifelong learner. This course aims at identifying the challenges and providing tools toward mastering them. There may follow years of attempting to apply those tools before feeling as though you have arrived at any level of mastery.

This course includes readings, discussion boards, written reflections, live (virtual) Socratic seminars, and the opportunity to compose and deliver a speech. Fully engaging in both the asynchronous assignments and synchronous meetings will acquaint you with the distinctive obstacles faced by leaders in a classical liberal education setting and offer guidance on navigating these challenges.

Facilitator: Helen Hayes

Live Session Dates: June 4th and 18th at 2:00 PM (AZ time)

Required Text: Aristotle. The Nicomachean Ethics. Penguin Classics. 2004. ISBN: 978-0140449495

GH employees: use voucher code ghemployee (case sensitive) at checkout.

Price: $250.00